I am a crayon, once a whole crayon
Ready to colour the world...
Ready to show the beauty of my radiance...
My maker made me well
Then I was borrowed
To color someone's world
Oh how exciting it was for the first few pages
I brightened up the book page by page
But time flew and my book needed more colors
I was not enough
Light shade dark shade I was the same.
The one who borrowed got tired
Pressed me on the book so hard
And I broke!
I searched for my broken piece
A piece of me never to be found
Part of me was lost
I got a good owner who's book needed some color
I was excited to be chosen
But every time a page flips
I feel less and less bright
My broken piece is still lost
But yes I can still color
But I am not whole
I am a broken crayon
I haven't got my permanent handler yet
One who is willing to let me color the book forever
One who knows my color is all the book needs
Despite being a broken crayon
I sit in a pile
Of broken crayons just like me
Maybe one day I shall be bought
To make someone's world bright again
I am a broken crayon
But broken crayons still colour!!
Resident Blogger: Maryanne Nyambura